Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I wonder if you are good at waiting?  Patiently, quietly?  We are waiting on Amber and Derek's wee baby boy to make his appearance in the world these days.  I am also waiting to hear about my brother and sister-in-law's baby, due any day now as well.  I find that being older helps me wait in this area.  I know that the longer he can stay in the safety of his mother's womb the better for him, and ultimately her.  But I also remember not feeling that way when it was me that was pregnant.  I experienced babies coming early, and babies coming late.  The twins who came early were in the NICU for ten days, which as far as these things go, was really a relatively "short" time.  But it seemed like an eternity to me.  This period of waiting for a baby is also accompanied by waiting on many other levels for me, and so I am paying attention to God in the midst of this season in a very special way.  He has my attention.  He has a lot to say about waiting!  Run that word in your concordance some time.  I am challenged to wait, not restlessly and impatiently, but IN TRUST AND IN CONFIDENCE IN CHRIST WHO IS AT WORK ALWAYS!  When I see it and when I can't.  When I believe (taking God at His word,) and when I falter in unbelief.  My favorite prayer in the Bible is Mk. 9--I believe, help my unbelief!  That's me a lot these days as I wait, not just on baby, but on a wedding, on future plans, on big decisions and smaller ones.  Trust, trust, trust.  God keeps that word front and center, and the invitation from Him to me is to trust Him! How will I RSVP?
What about you?  Are you waiting for anything these days?  If I could take a trust reading by drawing some blood or putting a "cuff" on you and measuring somehow, what would the reading be?  Whatever it is, however you find yourself today, I am so thankful for God's kindness, gentleness and mercy which waits for us with such tenderness and woos us with such unconditional and amazing love!  "What can separate us from that love....NOTHING!"  Not even impatience!
  Thank you Lord for your patience towards me, and continue to teach me patience in all things because I trust you and your timing!  Amen, and Amen.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fog: falling and lifting imperceptible at times

 Below is a series of pictures that best illustrates what the last little bit has been like in my soul.  I have felt like the first picture.  In a fog, confusion, and doubt and fear and uncertainty the stuff of my fog-- pea soup thick and seemingly impenetrable.  I have thanked God, and counted eucharisteos doggedly, and leaned into the fog, and into the Saviour.  I have heard Dr. Coe's voice saying "ahh, good, more fodder!"  And I confess I have wanted to do something inelegant with all the fodder that has turned to fog and seems like little else.  No sign of fruit here Lord!  However, just like happened the morning that these pictures were taken months ago up in Gig Harbour, slowly, ever so slowly, so that you aren't even really aware of when it began to lessen, and lift, that fog has been lifting in my soul.  It is easier to see fog lifting when you aren't staring at it.  When you glance up here and there, allowing chunks of time to go by, then you see the "progress" the lifting and the clearing.  But not when you are looking for it, mostly when you just have it in your periphery then you notice.  I think February and March and even January found me stubbornly staring into the fog,unblinkingly staring-- willing it, wanting it to lift.  And if desire or sheer determination could really accomplish anything, it would have happened.  God has different ways and means though, different outcomes, different methods and goals.  I can't say exactly when it started to happen, the clearing, the lifting, but it's Apr. 17, and today it was as if I looked up after a long time, and was surprised that it was clearer--I could see farther--or could I?  Maybe what was clearer was that God was there!  All along, in the densest part of the confusion He could see, even if I couldn't.  Maybe that's all that's clearer, because honestly not a lot of my circumstances have changed.  But something is different in me, something seems clearer, lighter.  And I can point to a prayer time Friday, and a walk on Monday morning, Supervision and words spoken there, and I certainly know that a conversation with a friend on the phone minutes ago have been hugely instrumental in that fog lifting.  Her voice rang truth right over and around me, surround sound truth!  Reverberating off the walls of my soul, and ringing and echoing even now.  There are probably many different little and big moments, some of them almost unnoticed that have brought me to the place of the last picture, where I feel like I am seeing again, clear across the bay of my soul to where God is pointing and directing and guiding in truth! Clear across to a place of surrender, again!  Freedom from fog of control. Yes, He has never not been there, but this fog sure obscured Him from my view, and it disoriented me, and it made my counting eucharisteos seem pointless and rote, wondering if I had lost my way somehow.  Trying to control things always does that.  The thing is, life is like that sometimes.  You will waken to foggy mornings and clear ones, you and I need to be able to navigate both with grace and confidence not in ourselves but in our God!  Maybe I am at picture 3 stage (see below) where I can see the fog receeding, but it will get much clearer than it is here in picture 3.  Picture 3 feels plenty clear in comparison to picture 1 though.  So whether I am in Pic. 3 in my soul or picture 5, I am thankful!  For today, for this amount of clearness.
How about you?  Are you in a fog?  Foggy season?  Or is it clear season?  Either way what is contributing to that season?  What are you learning in it?  Who are you sharing that with?

This is the view from my nook one morning.  I could hardly see to the end of the property.
The fog began to receede midmorning, so slowly that it was almost not noticeable at first.

I became aware of a brightening at some point, and when I finally raised my head from my writing, it was in time to see the fog lifting and leaving, almost like it was being scraped back by an invisible hand.  Wait, it was!  God was making a clear day come out from the fog.
The Puget sound, and Tacoma is "coming back" from being "not there" invisible in the fog.

Clear as a bell now!  At days end even the train running across the bay can be seen.  (The gleam to the far upper right). Same vantage point, but totally different view! Ps. 138:8                    

Friday, April 12, 2013

Our new place in Quito!

So that is a peak at our place that we were able to set up in Quito! Thanks to our friends the millers who were leaving Quito for good, we were able to go there from the airport and sleep there our first night. We had bought their appliances and their guest bed, and with the linens that we took down we were set for the first night! You can see it was empty looking! You can refer to a blog this last summer and see it set up as millers place. It was with mixed emotions that we took over this place. We are so sad to see millers stuff gone, and it was sad to say goodbye to them knowing that when we go to Ecuador now their loving friendship will not be awaiting us! We are thrilled for them. And we were so so thankful how the timing of all this worked out beyond anything that we could have orchestrated. We spent Tuesday with millers, and were able to be at their great despedida on Tuesday night! So many folk turned out to wi,sh them all the best and pray with them.
Wednesday phil rented a truck from the market and we headed to reicherts and began the process of carrying all 56 boxes up 3 long flights of stairs to street, then over to our place and up 6 more flights of stairs!!! The suggestion was made that I get a kindle since many of those tubs contained my books!!! Books are like friends tho! As we unpacked we were so thankful for the miracle of absolutely dry boxes, no water or moisture damage at all! We put blankets and towels straight into cabinets that is how fresh they were! We hung things on the wall, and put what kitchen stuff we had away. This new apartment has phenomenal closet space in every room, so every thing was easily unpacked and put away very organized and accessible! What a treat!
Friday we rented a truck again and went around and collected our furniture that people had borrowed or stored, it wasn't a lot, but by the afternoon we had stuff polished and washed and it was looking a little more homey!
We were able to entertain there, and have meetings and coffee dates with people in our own place! Of course my first meal to cook there was taco salad on sat night!!!!
We had lots of meetings and got caught up with many people while we were there. I am excited to continue to walk with our team and encourage and love on "my girls" in Quito! I loved being back. It is funny to me how much Quito feels like home now! I am very thankful!
We traveled back to Lakewood on Thursday! Amber, Natalie and Austin picked us up. We have done wedding stuff through the weekend, taught Sunday school, and done yard work and housework to get caught up here, then lots and lots of emailing and computer work. Today I am especially thankful to have a washer and dryer after going to the laundromat since early oct. I am working at home and doing laundry!!!! If you have a washer and dryer way home and haven't thought of that as a gift, why not stop now and thank God for that! If you feel it isn't a big deal go two weeks using a laundromat! I got used to it, and even could find good things about it, but boy am I glad to be back say home able to wash and dry clothes here!
So, I think that has me caught up to the present with my comings and goings!
The last picture is of empty boxes! Only a very few boxes broke! Thank you Reichert family for storing our boxes for 2 years and 9 months! Thank you Ackerman family for storing our hutch, to the millers, gardeens, tassy's and boys who kept other bits and bobs!

Monday, April 8, 2013


I have been anything but consistent in the last month.  However, travel to the places we have been has been part of that, a "due to circumstances beyond my control" kind of thing.  Our internet in Quito ended up timing out earlier than we had anticipated.  We have been back for three days in California, but they have been fun-filled days of wedding stuff, showers, and kids being home on break, Phil speaking in Sunday school, and my neck giving me extra troubles!  I am excited to catch you up a little over the next weeks with pictures of some of our travels, anecdotes etc.  I also want to share many eucharisteos, and pictures of the place that I sent you last summer that God had provided for us in Quito for this year of coming and going and being inbetween places doing ministry in both California and Quito, and beyond for International Teams.  We arrived in Quito two weeks ago right now, and drove up the hill into Quito from the new airport!  It is very far out there in the valley and so even though we were on the early flight and landed at 6:20 or so p.m. it was 9:30 by the time we got to our place.  It was all completely empty of Millers things with the exception of the two chairs we had bought, the bed, and the appliances.  Sandi had also thoughtfully left some food stuffs behind, and had milk and bread and some fruit in for us.  I took pictures of it empty, and with our boxes in, and then settled so you could see the process.  As well as hauling out stuff out of the Reicherts basement, we collected furniture from all parts and people who had borrowed it, and now all our things in Quito are in one location.  My daughter sent me a great blog that captures much of what I am processing these days, indeed one of the posts was entitled "In Betweenness"  and very much reiterates or echoes much of what I wrote about some months ago in my In between Places post.  It is encouraging to find another who can relate to the journey we are on. 
I am thankful today for family, for weddings, and babies, for marriage, for in-laws, for sunshine, and yes, for my kitty cat, Anastasia!  Amber, Derek and Natalie took good care of her while we were away.
  What are you thankful for this Monday?