Friday, January 4, 2013

slo children at play!

This has always been one of the signs that make me laugh! And up in San Luis obispo where Natalie went to college and now lives and works this twist is especially clever--slo for slow!!!!  Makes me laugh every time.  I have had a wonderful time up with Natalie helping with some wedding things, working in her classroom, hiking, watching sunsets, and hanging out with Brian, her fiancĂ©e in the evenings!
Phil is in Ecuador and I will be joining him on jan. 18.  I am getting to take a deep breath after a busy busy semester.  It is great to be able to be with Natalie for a few days up here in her stomping grounds.  I will enjoy a few days at home getting some projects done and prepping for some talks that I am working on.  It will also be good to have some time to rest up and be refreshed in body and spirit.
It is a strange feeling to have no homework, papers or exams to be working on.  Thankfully I have lots to be reading and I will continue to learn even if informally.


  1. sounds absolutely wonderful. and what a HUGE blessing to get time with Nat and Brian in this season!
    ahh e.
    felicitaciones on being completely D-O-N with school!
    i miss you lady.
    and love you hugely.

  2. I love you too! Thinking about when we can have a skype visit with each other!???? Natalie and I had a great time! It seems impossible that the chone is getting married! :) So glad you all will be here.
